Tuesday 21 October 2014

My Design Process Development

Sketching different ideas that use negative space on different parts of the leaflet which come together to create an image.
Trying to make my design more interesting I considered using a concertina fold that has multiple pop-out sections
I developed a flowchart which explains my design process. I felt that this was the best way to illustrate my method as I find it easy to follow, as well as incorporating fail safes as sort with 'yes/no' paths incase mistakes are made. This could be developed into a poster which would fit inside the leaflet, giving the design as a whole more of a reason to be kept.

Different folding techniques and ideas, some sounded great in my head until I actually tried to make them, when I realised that it was either far too difficult/slow to produce, or was in fact impossible.
Square design which used different pull-out sections to reveal more and more information. This design was interesting but when i attempted to mock it up, it took so much time that producing it on a larger scale would be impractical and extremely expensive.

 This is my finished piece after much trouble using illustrator as I'm not particularly confident. I'm pleased with the way it came out, although I should have been more careful with the colours, which I chose on my home PC, then when I exported the file, they looked much different on the university macs, and different again on the colour configured digital print macs.
I needed some imagery for the back, so I created a serious of small icons to do with design and my process. most of them are obvious, except the fingerprint which represents individuality, and the raven which represents problem solving.

 A first print on normal paper showed me that the dark blue was too dark, and the type was far too small. I also knew that I would need better quality stock to print duplex.

 Stupidly I had left on the cut marks where I was so create the cuts to shape my leaflet, so I had to reprint it and then cut the final print by using math.
 My first print in digital print was great, all of the colours were true and the type was large enough to be easily read. The paper was also the perfect density to print dulex and to be scored/folded.
Again stupidly I had left a guide on my work, which led to me reprinting it, which made the printing process quite expensive.

 Too small, type was unreadable.
 Size comparison. I made the final just over twice as large.
Final piece. Type is now readable and the piece as a whole more noticeable and sturdy.

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