Saturday 28 February 2015

CoP Practical Work

For my Context of Practice essay i am writing about the aura of art and the value of limited edition works. I will analyze famous artworks, newspapers and comic books, as well as looking into what other people have said about the idea of aura, specifically J.Berger and W.Benjamin.

Ideas for my practical work:
A foil pressed/embossed/screen printed version of a dull newspaper front page.
Campbells soup cans sprayed gold, new labels which are embossed/screenprinted etc, with luxurious flavours

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Design in Protest

Stuart Ford created this poster to protest against the fee cap rises and general cost of education in the UK. I like the fist imagery as it's emotive and has connotations of uprising, strength and revolution, all perfect for the cause. However I feel that the colour scheme makes the type slightly difficult to read and doesn't convey the right emotions. The 'Knowledge is power' text is also too difficult to read.

Without doubt the most successful protest symbol in a long time, the Je Suis Charlie design is beautifully simple and evocative. Reminiscent of the 'I am Spartacus' speech, it allows anybody to immediately show their support

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Raif Badawi Presentation Ideas

For the presentation of my work, I am contemplating different methods of binding, printing and displaying my work.
I want different elements of my work to link in with the concept/issue i'm tackling. I'm therefore thinking about doing a traditional 'stab bind' for my work, using either red string which would symbolise blood, or green string which symbolises saudi arabia's control over Badawi.

As for a symbol, I may use the 'backslash' ( \ ) , due to it's appropriate  name, most likely using red due to it's emotive connotations. I could also have the red backslash form part of the letter R for Raif.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Newspaper Deconstruction - Punk Ethos

Using inspiration from works such as 'Sniffin' Glue' zine, we were tasked with taking elements of different magazines, and using similar techniques such as photocopying and magic markers, creating our own work which had some sort of message/agenda. I decided to create a newspaper front page which ridiculed the stupidity of modern news outlets that report 'news' that is sensationalised, poorly researched and often not even news.

Using different headlines from the Metro newspaper, i created a quick paper called 'The Terrorgraph', which had fake news stories mocking articles found in the paper.